When Does Technology Become Assistive?

When Does Technology Become Assistive?

Assistive technology has many functions, including low-tech, adaptive, and rehabilitative. Its appropriateness depends on whether it addresses immediate needs or is only useful for rehabilitation. Whether technology is low-tech or hightech is dependent on its role in the individual’s life. Fortunately, technological advancements have made it easier to make our lives better. Read on to learn more about the many different types of assistive technology available.

Low-tech vs high-tech devices

Assistive technology comes in many different forms. Some are low-tech, while others are high-tech. Low-tech assistive devices can be as simple as a piece of Velcro. The type of technology a person requires will determine which type of device is best for their situation. Here’s a look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of both. No-tech devices don’t require any special equipment or tools, and they can be incredibly helpful for someone with an inability to do certain things.

While high-tech devices can be useful, they may not be right for everyone. In fact, low-tech devices may be a better choice if your condition requires only small changes or is easier to use. Low-tech options are more user-friendly and require less time to learn. They also ensure that a person’s family and support staff are always available. Low-tech devices also eliminate the risks of cyber-bullying and access to harmful websites.

The most basic low-tech devices don’t require a power source. However, high-tech devices may contain multiple features. Sometimes, they are combined with low-tech devices to make a more comprehensive system. This way, users can use both for different needs. They can be used together or independently depending on the person’s requirements and budget. Depending on the individual’s needs, low-tech devices may be the most practical and cost-effective solution.

Assistive technology is often categorized into two types – high-tech and low-tech. Using AT devices in a classroom can be low-tech or high-tech, depending on the student’s level of disability. Assistive technology is important in providing support to all students. Whether a student has a physical disability or uses sensory input items, it’s essential to have a range of assistive technology devices that will make the classroom experience less challenging.


The usability of technology as an assistive tool can increase the participation and independence of people with disabilities. It can be improved through the development of accessible products. Usability testing can identify design elements that contribute to accessibility. In addition, it can help to characterize issues with mainstream technologies. Cognitive disability research can help to develop usability guidelines to improve accessibility. This research will also help to identify the needs of users with disabilities.

Using conceptual models, we define the importance of usability in AT development.

These conceptual models describe the interaction between AT users and their devices in various environments and contexts. We will also present the methodology and early progress of developing the first usability outcome tool for AT. In particular, we will discuss the development of a self-reported usability scale for AT. The UATS is a tool to evaluate usability for assistive technology.

Assistive technologies include hardware and software that facilitate the use of a computer. Assistive technologies include voiceover/screen readers, keyboard controls, and speech-to-text software. Many visually impaired people rely on screen readers and software for the purpose of reading websites. However, keyboard controls and sip-and-puff devices are used by people with limited mobility.

Moreover, users with disabilities can use these technologies to make their daily lives easier.

While this research has numerous advantages, it is important to note that it cannot substitute real users of assistive technology. It can uncover accessibility issues that automated scanners missed. It will also reveal areas of confusion and barriers to the user experience. Using this method, you can improve the overall usability of your website and enhance your ROI. The results of usability testing will increase the number of visitors on your website. Aside from improving the overall usability of your website, usability testing will help you improve your conversion rate and revenue.


While most assistive devices are created in advanced economies, the developing world has come up with numerous innovative solutions. Although most assistive device patenting is conducted in the Global North, developing nations engage in significant innovation and forms of creativity that are not rewarded by current patent standards. By modifying the standards for patentability, developing nations can benefit from the patent system. In the end, patenting aids in the development of assistive technologies may be helpful to both developing and developed countries.

Patent filings for assistive technologies are much larger than those of conventional products and are growing three times faster than those of conventional assistive products. Emerging assistive technologies, on the other hand, are more sophisticated than conventional products. These products are often differentiated from conventional products by the incorporation of enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and advanced sensors. Other emerging assistive technologies include implantable products, augmented and virtual reality, and novel assistive devices.


There are several factors that determine when a device is assistive technology (AT).

Some of the most common AT devices are computers, tablets, and mobile phones. At the low-tech end of the spectrum, low-tech devices may consist of a simple external device like a keyboard label or keyguard. High-tech devices, on the other hand, are electronic devices that incorporate speech output capabilities. They are often referred to as voice output communication aids.

Assistive technology products can be categorized into two broad categories:

conventional and emerging. Conventional technology refers to products that have been around for a while. Emerging technology refers to more advanced products that are differentiated by the advancement of enabling technologies. Examples of these include artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and advanced sensors. Emerging technology may also include implants, robotics, augmented and virtual reality, and novel assistive devices.

Assistive technologies help people with disabilities do their daily activities. For instance, people with disabilities can use augmented reality software to help them work on a computer. Children with speech difficulties can use a voice-activated device to help them understand others. The goal is to increase an individual’s independence and safety through technology. These technologies are based on the principles of universal design. They are a vital part of advancing human society.

Assistive technology can also enhance the ergonomics of devices. Alternative keyboard layouts, for instance, provide better ergonomics. Some assistive technology allows the disabled to use modern touch-screen mobile computers. Another plug-and-play adapter for iPhones and iPads, the Pererro uses the built-in Apple VoiceOver feature and a simple switch. The aim of these devices is to improve accessibility for all people.


The cost of using assistive technologies is often high, even though the disabled use them to function in daily life. While importing these devices from another country can be a hassle, it can also be quite costly. The UK has a number of schemes to help fund the development of assistive technologies. However, not all individuals can qualify for these grants, which can be difficult to access. As a result, assistive technology remains out of the reach of many people who cannot afford it.

To make the process more efficient and effective, a SC must complete an Assistive Technology Description and Cost Projection form. The applicant must review and sign this form, which should be submitted to the RRDS along with the service plan. Once the application is approved, the provider seeks reimbursement from the program. This process takes about four to six months. Once the provider has received a copy of the NOD, they will submit the completed form to the RRDS.

Developing countries should invest in the development of high-quality, affordable assistive technology. This is because such products can make people with disabilities able to participate in life on an equal footing with other members. Without the aid of these products, people with disabilities risk being isolated and may even be forced to rely on the support of family members and friends to survive. As a result, denying people with disabilities access to these life-changing tools is not only an infringement of human rights, it is also economically shortsighted. In addition to enabling more people with disabilities to benefit from quality assistive products, countries will also have a more productive workforce and indirectly stimulate economic growth.

Government funding for assistive technology is often not sufficient for the purchase of such equipment. Luckily, there are many programs that provide help with the cost. These subsidy programs are offered by many not-for-profit organizations and businesses. These programs are meant to give the consumer the opportunity to try a product for free before they purchase it. But be careful if you decide to participate in any subsidy program run by commercial interests. There may be a higher risk of fraud, so be careful.